Service provider in accordance with section 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG):
Ullrich GmbH
Dr.-Schott-Straße 35
94227 Zwiesel
Phone: + 49 9922 98-0
Managing Directors : Jürgen Oswald, Christian Straubinger
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Register court: Deggendorf
Register number: 2713
VAT No. in accordance with section 27a Value Added Tax Act: DE146963918
Person responsible for content according to section 55 Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV):
Ullrich GmbH
Herr Jürgen Oswald
Dr.-Schott-Straße 35
94227 Zwiesel
Phone: + 49 9922 98-0
Disclaimer – legal advice
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The free and freely accessible content of this website has been produced with the greatest possible care. The Provider of this website nevertheless makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the provided free and freely accessible guides and news. Articles marked with names reflect the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the Provider. The mere calling of the free and freely accessible content does not bring about any kind of contractual relationship whatsoever between the user and the Provider; in this respect there is no intention to enter a legally binding relationship on the part of the Provider.
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